CEO of Reality Marketing, Leonie Arnebark runs half marathon to help fight cancer

So, I was thinking that it was time to set another challenge for myself. Being an ex- Olympic Synchronised swimmer, competing in Athens in 2004, water is my natural habitat when it comes to exercise. Not being a runner at all, I figured if I wanted to set a real challenge, the half marathon is definitely up there. Hence, I have registered to run in the Blackmores Half Marathon being held in Sydney on Sunday September 16th.
So many lives have been affected by the dreaded C, and thus I thought running to raise money for the Cancer Council NSW would be a great thing to do and will hopefully also keep me motivated in the lead up. Despite being struck down with a virus followed by falling down the stairs and spraining my ankle (can you believe it!!), I am now back on track to run the half marathon in a week!
Please feel free to make a donation, big or small to help me on this journey.
I have also been inspired by those around me to take on this pursuit namely me my husband, and business partner Leif Arnebark who recently embarked on a substantial mountain bike race, ‘Port to Port’ with his best mate and they did a great job of completing the 4- day ride of 195km from the Hunter Valley to Newcastle.
Another close mate from the Central Coast has also recently finished the epic Oxfam Trail Walk. Despite various challenges in her lead up including the loss of a family member, going through a separation and not to mention getting a hernia, this amazingly strong and determined chick smashed the trail with her team coming in the top 10! So, no excuses, set a target be it business, sport or other and go for it!
Below are a few tips that helped me to stay focused and on track when training for the Olympics, and starting my business, Reality Marketing and I am also applying in preparation for the half marathon. Feel free to have a read through and utilise for yourself:
Set goals
It might sound cliched, however evidence shows that if you set a specific goal for yourself you are much more likely to achieve it. Make it challenging but also realistic and continually revisit it so that it is fresh in your mind.
Get out of your comfort zone
Leaping from the pool to land is a huge step out of my personal comfort zone as was starting a new business. Whatever this entails for you personally by exploring new territory that will challenge your body, mind and soul will end up benefiting you in the long run and is incredibly satisfying in the process.
Make time, not excuses
Time is probably the most precious commodity for us all today. Life gets busy, and time seems to evaporate more quickly each year. We all catch ourselves saying ‘we just don’t have time to do this or that’. Reality is you do have time, you just have to make the time and schedule your time so that you can use it efficiently. If it means getting up an hour earlier to fit in exercise or meditation or leaving work on time to spend quality time with the family, whatever it is, if you schedule it then you can keep yourself accountable and get time back and be more in control of your time.
Be supported by positive people
This is another one that can easily get neglected, we more often than not say no to support and help as we feel guilty or too proud and think we can do everything ourselves. I know myself that there is no way we could run a business, take care of the family and also find time to train and socialise without our amazing support network. My mum and mother in law in particular are instrumental in helping us out with everything and I know we simply could not function effectively without them, the same goes for our family and friends. Surrounding yourself with positive people who genuinely care about you and your happiness is critical for success.
Be disciplined and be prepared
This involves good old- fashioned discipline, doing the hard yards to get done what you need to get done. Preparing to achieve your goal and sticking with it even when you feel like it’s too hard or not worth it. Developing a regular rhythm also helps to keep focused.
Our fantastic client, Coast Sport has complied training programs to assist runners in training for half marathons.They have also been instrumental in helping me with recovery from my injury. Preparation is key to achieving any goal you set yourself, anyone wanting to join me run?
Feel free to Download training programs from Coast Sport for the half marathon here.
Be kind to yourself
Try not to beat yourself up when things go wrong, recognise any set backs and make plans for getting back on track. Look after yourself, give yourself time out just for you to do things you love and get enjoyment out of doing, this will make you more productive and give you the boost to achieve more.
So, don’t give up, dream, believe, create, succeed.
Please feel free to donate a few dollars to “Leonie runs to fight cancer” if you can.
Every little bit makes a difference.
I would really appreciate it and am grateful for your support on this quest. Wish me luck!