Quick tips for smart social media

Whether you are doing it or not, whether you like it or not, social media is not going away!
Social Media users in Australia are some of the most prolific in the world, with a total of around 60% of the country’s population an active user on Facebook, and 50% of the country logging in at least once a day. With more and more people using it, and even the older demographic getting on board, this also means your patients and potential patients are probably regular users too.
Digital marketing, especially social media is forever changing and evolving and it’s important to keep up with what’s happening, what’s new and how to use this to your practices advantage. Facebook is regularly changing its algorithms, so it is more challenging for businesses to get cut through and more difficult to appear in user’s feeds. Organic reach is a lot harder, however combined with smart targeted advertising it can be a very powerful channel for your business.
Quick tips for smart social media:
1. Establish a rhythm for regular posting
Don’t just post for the sake of it, post when you have something of value to communicate to your audience of followers. General rule of thumb to consider-would my audience like to view this post and share it? Develop a rhythm and try to stick to it.
2. Build a strong following
If you are going to go to the effort to post regularly, you need someone to see your posts. Building a following is key. You can start by inviting all your staff, friends and family and of course your customers to follow and like your social media pages.
3. Be true to your brand and authentic
Use imagery and language that is consistent with your brand personality and style.
4. Share useful content and drive back to website
Be sure to share useful blog article links via social media as this helps to drive quality traffic to your website and raise awareness.
5. Leveraging local partnerships
Any local partnerships secured i.e. local sports clubs, charities and local affiliated businesses, encourage them to share relevant posts to their own followers to help increase reach.
6. Encourage advocacy
Get your team and customers involved and following your social media journey! Encourage all staff and customers to like, follow and share. Also encourage them to give input on what topics they would like to see featured and involve them where suitable in photos and videos that can be featured on social media.
7. Have rights for images used
It’s important to use imagery with posts, you can use the images in your company photo gallery wherever possible too. You can also access free images using several sites ie
8. People posts work
Across the board we have observed fantastic results from all out clients where real people are showcased i.e. your team and your customers where suitable. Followers love personal stories.
9. Schedule in advance
Facebook enables you to pre- schedule posts in advance making it easier to manage your time and load up posts at the one time. You can also easily reschedule posts accordingly.
10. Trial targeted advertising
It is a challenge to appear in someone’s feed organically, using a combination of targeted advertising can help to improve your chances of getting your posts seen by the right audience. This is also a cost- effective method of promoting to new reach. Unlike print advertising, you also have the ability to make instant modifications to the advert if it isn’t performing as well as hoped, you can also stop running the advert as you wish. Be sure to track results to help determine what works and what doesn’t work as well.
11. Be interactive and engaging
Make your posts appealing by evoking curiosity, inviting conversation and encouraging feedback and comments. The more engagement the better your post will perform.
12. Use images, videos and competitions
Always use some sort of visual to run with your post, video clips work very well as do powerful imagery. Competitions prompting to like and share for example are a fantastic way to help increase reach and pick up new followers.
13. Be realistic with what you can achieve
Work out what you can realistically achieve, who will do it and how often and stick to this.
14. Outsource where suitable
If social media is not an effective use of your staff members time and you don’t have the expertise to do it well and to monitor it properly, then it is probably best to consider outsourcing this component of your marketing mix to an expert who can dedicate the time and has the know how to implement effectively.
15. Monitor activity
Use the Facebook insights tool to regularly monitor social media activity, you can then track number of followers, engagement, reach and other items to enable you to further improve and gain more value from this channel.
Best of luck! Enjoy raising your profile on social media. If you are looking for a marketing partner you can trust, please contact Reality Marketing today.
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